Yesterday, my wife Barbara and I had the privilege to attend the inauguration of the Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York City. It’s an island we’re able to see from our East Side apartment window, which looks out over the East River toward Queens and Brooklyn. The island has been there for many…Read More

In her heart, Malala Yousufzai is an American. She is your neighbor, your sister, your daughter, your grand-daughter. She is not only courageous, but she has become, for me, the embodiment of what the United States stands for, our values, our ideals and the goodness inherent in our system. She’s a beacon of freedom in…Read More

My own experience in a post-World War II work camp, under Communists, convinced me that the evils of Nazi Germany are far from unique. In Romania, where I grew up, the new boss was the same as the old boss. The Soviets picked up where the Nazi’s left off in our embattled country. Stalin wasn’t…Read More

A boy in Africa has the disease Samuel Jackson had in Unbreakable. His bones snap at the slightest impact. His mother has to carry him four hours to the nearest clinic for treatment. They slap her for mistreating her boy. He lives in genuine poverty, but with cheerful pluck he goes to school and works…Read More

That, my friends, is a quote from the cover story in a recent issue of The Atlantic about how we’re spoiling our children with too much smothering care. It’s an interesting thesis, following on the heals of The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, the story of one Asian mother’s attempts to raise her kids…Read More