Reader Response

In Biff Poggi


Early this year, you wrote on your blog (“No One Eats Lunch Alone Here”) about a book called Season of Life. As the author of that book, I would like to thank you for your kind and meaningful words. I apologize for being so late with this note, but it was only yesterday that I learned about your blog.

I’m pleased to know that you were moved by the work of those Gilman football coaches featured in Season of Life. Biff Poggi and Joe Ehrmann are two of the finest men I’ve ever known, and I was extremely fortunate that they allowed me the opportunity to tell their story. The whole idea was — and still is — to reach as many people as possible with the wonderful messages being taught on that high school football field in Baltimore.

Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing part of their amazing work by way of your blog. Please know how much I appreciate that. Wishing you all good things …

Jeffrey Marx