The Letchworth Code


letchworthOn a recent visit to Letchworth State Park in Western New York (often called The Grand Canyon of the East), we happened upon the personal rules of conduct followed by its founder, William Pryor Letchworth, a philanthropist who bequeathed the park for public use at his death. I was inspired and moved by the kindness and humility embodied in his guidelines and thought I would pass them along:

Rise at 6 o’clock.

Breakfast at 6.30.

Dinner or Lunch 12.30.

Supper at 6.30.

Retire at 9.30.

Attend divine service once every Sunday.

Tell the truth under all circumstances, when necessary to speak.

Never wound the feelings of others if it can be avoided.

Strive to always be cheerful.

Review the actions of the day every night, and apply to them the test of my conscience

In business affairs keep in mind that “procrastination is the thief of time”, and that “time is money.”

Be temperate in all things.

Strive to speak kindly, without giving offense, always with coolness and deliberation, having due regard for the views of others.

Aim at a high standard of character.

Attempt great things and expect great things.

Aim to do all possible good in the world, and so live as to live hereafter and have a name without reproach.