From a friend, formerly at the Soros Foundation: Dear Peter, I don’t know how should I start this message, so I have no other idea than to start it abruptly. The Constant Choice made a profound and lasting impression on me. It’s one of those very precious books that I like to keep them nearby…Read More
This little passage has been making its way around Facebook for a few days. I like it because it points out how the attack in Boston revealed more good than bad. The evil was limited to two misguided individuals, while the good emerged instantly in the actions of countless others. “I don’t want to know…Read More
Recently, NBC ran a story about Carlo “Coach Khali” Sweeney, a boxing coach in Detroit who has changed the lives of many at-risk youth in that city. He teaches them how to box. But he also teaches them how to live, training them in how to be human beings as well as good fighters. He…Read More
Some popular research data recently emerged claiming that human beings are moving on a kinder, gentler trajectory. The evidence, fewer wars where thousands were slaughtered. Fewer murders in towns and cities. Therefore, they say, evil is losing out, the good is thriving. One glance at the news suggests otherwise, and all the evidence in my…Read More
Another good review for The Constant Choice from a reader, “Thoughtful”, on Amazon: This was a remarkably interesting, courageous and insightful book. Like the author, Peter Georgescu, I have wrestled with issues of faith, God, godliness and good and evil for a long time. I come at it from a slightly different perspective–in my case,…Read More