Remember how great Lincoln Logs and Erector sets were? It was one of the best gifts to unwrap at Christmas. They still are after half a century; you can buy them because they’re such perfect ways to fuel a child’s imagination. A shout-out for Legos is in order as well. Doesn’t everyone agree that the…Read More
As an undergraduate economics and health policy major at Harvard, Dr. Connie Chen traveled to Kenya, Cambodia, and Botswana to do field research, and work with local public health systems. While abroad, she noticed that where few people owned a computer, most everyone had access to a cell phone which they used not just to…Read More
Aristotle claimed that democracy depended on a secure middle class in a society without a great gap between rich and poor. In other words, Aristotle would have told us our democracy is on the ropes. I didn’t learn this by reading the Greek philosopher himself, but from an insightful paper written by William Galston, a…Read More
Studies have examined the brains of advanced meditators, defined as those with more than 10,000 hours of meditation experience, as well as novices, and even those who undergo intensive but short-term meditation training and practice. The results may be astonishing to some, though they simply confirm what I’ve always believed, that meditation is one of…Read More
Entitled Opinons is a gem of a podcast. It began almost a decade ago, offering intelligent and informed discussion about a variety of subjects: art, literature, music, philosophy and science. It’s hosted by Robert Harrison, a professor at Stanford University, my alma mater. In April, Harrison spoke with a philosopher from Boston College, Richard Kearney,…Read More